I guess you could say another one bites the dust.
It was just a few weeks ago that I was commenting how I would always keep my Vault Pick current despite how busy I got. Even if the other categories I do would sometimes suffer. Well it turns out that was a bit ambitious too. I don't know why I thought it would be easy to keep up that weekly post when the others couldn't be done either. It was just a matter of time before it fell by the wayside too.
The biggest problem was that I was running out of classic films to highlight. I even caught myself repeating once. I believe it was "Brown Sugar". I bet if I went back far enough I would probably catch another repeat. Wouldn't be surprising at all given how my memory is. But you could look at it as if the movie was put on there twice it could have really been THAT good that it deserved it. Of course if I maintained that theory there would be quite a few of them that were worthy of repeat appearances.
I tried to walk the fine line of picking ones that were classics to me without being flicks that were too obvious. It didn't always work out quite that way though. Although you can't help if it joints like "Top Gun" and "The Sixth Sense" pop up. How can you NOT consider those classics no matter how trite it is?
Truthfully, I haven't even been able to watch movies like I used to. The XL-Images gig has kept me too busy. I still do my tv watching but that's only because I can multitask and watch shows while editing photos. Movies require more attention. So if I had two hours to spend where I would normally be taking in a movie that is now spent out shooting and/or editing. It's a vicious cycle.
The good news is that at least I'm back to updating the blog regularly. Okay....semi-regularly. Once every couple of days isn't bad. Okay...every three days. Hey...a brotha's been busy. Give me a break. I'll still hit you up with a review from time to time for those of you that actually did enjoy my perceptive on today's Hollywood. It just won't be as often. So treasure then when you so see them.
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