For some reason, that U2 joint runs through my head whenever I see this picture. It's rather random because it's not like that song was playing at all during this shoot. In fact, now I think about it, I don't even have that song on any of my shoot playlists. I need to change that right away. But given the mood that this particular photo conveys, it just seemed most appropriate.
I had done a good number of boudoir shoots up to this point. Some of which don't get posted on regular Facebook because they are a bit too risque. Some of which only gets posted late at night in certain closed groups where I know photogs and models alike can appreciate it as art. However, I had wanted to do a session with a couple for a while. It didn't matter if they were an actual couple (as in dating, engaged, married, etc.) but they at least had to play the role well. These two were the perfect fit for what I was looking for.
There were a few things that set this particular photo apart enough to make the countdown. First being I purposely made it a bit of an abstract concept. I intentionally shot it and subsequently edited it so that you can't see either of their faces. Sure, you can clearly make out dude's tat so anyone that knows him knows who that is. The tat gives that away. And you can see his mouth too. But the mouth was all that I wanted from the face. Just enough so you could see that little subtle emotion that his lips are conveying.
Then there was the way I purposely edited this one. Before I even shot it, I knew I needed to have it in black and white. It doesn't take a photography genius to figure out that black and white instantly gives your capture a much more dramatic effect. That's why I made sure to adjust the lighting just right before shooting. I had to be certain the shadows would fall in just the right places. In addition, I was looking for a grittier look than I had used in the past. To make the capture look like a combination between an actual photo and a graphite drawing. That took a little time and patience to properly achieve that effect, but I personally think it paid off.
Lastly, you will note that the framing on this one is different than others you have seen on the countdown. Particularly with the alternate logo which includes my full name. That's because it's part of what I call my XL-Images Signature Series. It's something that I started a while ago that some of my early supporters may remember. There are certain black and white photos that grab me enough that I place them in the Signature Series. These are the ones that I personally feel are some of my most artistic renderings to date. The minute I finished the post-work on this one I knew it was destined to be the next candidate for that Signature Series.
I'm always leery about posting my pieces in this particular genre. I don't want to scare off the potential conservative clients. Not everyone can appreciate captures as the art that I intend them to be. Some folks just don't have a palate that sophisticated yet. That's why whenever I do post the racier stuff, I try to do it later at night. Yes...I know it makes little sense because that picture is still out there come morning. It's all good though. It at least gives me a little more piece of mind knowing that it wasn't posted until after dark. Yes..sometimes it's just the little things that put my mind at ease.
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