Not every photo has a great story behind it. Sometimes it really is just a simple case of the capture being one that holds a special place with me. That's the case with this one. There's really not a whole lot I can say about it that I haven't said about other photos. Especially the ones that came from the same Arkansas reunion from which this one came. What can I say? There were just a lot of great photgenic moments from that weekend.
There is something I do think of when I see this photo and that is about Mariah. Whenever we get a chance to see Mom, Mariah always make sure she gets a photo with her. She will hunt me down if I'm busy doing something else and makes sure that it gets done. She does the same thing whenever we see her great grandmothers. I can't even express how much I love that she has that type of sense of family.
Other than that, nothing else really comes to mind on this one. As I said, I just really enjoy looking at it so I felt it deserved to be on the list. I mean it's Mom, my youngest child and my oldest child....what's not to love about that?
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